Contact Lens Fittings

We don’t just do glasses. 6D Vision offers contact lens fittings for our patients. We have access to all the major contact lenses and we will take the time to find the best contact lenses for your needs.

Macular Degeneration Assessments

The macular is responsible for our central vision. We routinely check all of our patients for macular degeneration as well as other macular related diseases. This might include fundus photo and dilating your pupils.

Glaucoma Assessments

Glaucoma is the known as the sneak thief of sight as it is often painless and progresses slowly. At 6D Vision we have all of the necessary testing equipment and experience to detect and monitor glaucoma.

Diabetic Eye Check

Poorly controlled diabetes can impact the health of your eyes before it affects your vision. We recommend regular eye exams for our patients that live with diabetes.


Orthokeratology is a non-surgical treatment that uses custom contact lenses to help correct myopia, astigmatism and other refractive errors.

Dry Eye Services

Have you been experiencing sore, red and burning eyes? You might have dry eyes? At 6D Vision, we’ll create a course of action based on the cause of your dry eyes.

Comprehensive Eye Exams

6D Vision offers comprehensive eye exams to all of our patients. Our optometrist will spend the time needed to uncover all the issues you’ve been experiencing.